December Workshops

Thank you everyone who joined me for a printmaking workshop! I believe we had a lot of fun. I am looking forward to having more workshops next year. With each workshop sale, you are supporting my dream! So, really—truly—I am so grateful for your interest in trying something new.

If you are interested in seeing me and a larger selection of my current work—you can find me at The Sunday Artisan Market in Kerrytown! I have enjoyed sharing my work with new people and I very much appreciate everyone’s encouragement. You can find me there each Sunday, 11 am- 4 pm. However, if it is a rainy day I might have to stay home to not let my work get damaged.

Thanks so much for the support and kindness!

The Sunday Artisan Market

Thank you for DIYPSI

Wow, the kind and encouraging words from everyone this past weekend at DIYPSI really has left an impression on my heart. I am so grateful that so many people appreciate what I make because my hope is for it to inspire inner peace in us all. In a world full of distractions and chaos, it is good to take a moment to close our eyes and reflect on all that we are grateful for.

This photo of my grandmother and me holds special value. All that I have done since losing my dad has special value too. My grams actually cared for him at home until his passing in April. My dad really loved to watch me make my art while he was in hospice care. There wasn’t much he could do and we never really had deep conversations—except about what I wanted to do rather than always be busy and broke from teaching. While he was dying I really began to wonder why I might waste my life always trying to please everyone else around me. Why not be brave and try to do what I love and see if anyone might also find joy and peace in my work. Talking with my dad also helped me realize that I would like to do art therapy. I believe I have done it in some capacity for awhile now but I would like to go back to school one day to become licensed. I know my grandmother is proud here and always. She has so much of my work hanging on her walls and may run out of space—but I know too she feels a great loss not having dad there with her. They lived together and have taken care of each other for around 20 years or so.

If you bought a pin—that was my dad’s favorite piece. It is titled is “Sunny days are ahead.” I hope it inspires you, dear reader, to always remember that even in your darkest times there will always be better days that await. Hold on to hope and don’t give up on yourself or your dreams.

Thanks again and sign up for email updates if you want to catch when I’ll be offering block printing workshops in the near future!

“We Rise” Raffle Winners!

The raffle recipients were Shelly and Anna! Thank you everyone for your ticket donations. Together we raised $52 for Ozone House.